Wesley Edward Eagar Lodge offers accommodation for both males and females, and includes:
single, individual rooms with own lock, providing privacy, dignity, personal space and secure storage for belongings
bathroom facilities on each floor
access to laundry facilities, telephone and computers when required
breakfast and dinner daily. They offer a comprehensive support program to residents and people in the wider community. The program addresses the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, vocational and recreational needs of people who are homeless and incorporates:
case management
self-development activities
Christian activities
recreational activities. Location
Wesley Edward Eagar Lodge is located on Bourke Street, Surry Hills in the heart of the city of Sydney. The lodge accommodates 76 single people, male and female, aged from 18 to 80 plus years.
Contact Edward Eagar Lodge
Phone: (02) 9361 0981/ 1300 259 789
Website: https://www.wesleymission.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/helping-people-most-in-need/housing-and-accommodation/wesley-edward-eagar-lodge/