We assist children and young people, people living with a disability, people living with a mental health issue and other vulnerable persons to live safer and more enriched lives. Our philosophy is simple: When developing our programs we listen to, learn from, and consult our clients, their families and their respective communities. Our services support and encourage our clients in participating in their community and aspiring to reach their personal goals. Our programs are innovative and flexible so they support our clients’ individual needs as well as their social and cultural backgrounds. We are dedicated to finding the best care arrangement for our clients, even if that means travelling hundreds of kilometres in remote country to find the right foster family. Our clients’ individual needs are in focus as we support them in their integration back into their family or community, helping them restore or form relationships, avoiding isolation and achieving independence. Our main support services are: Family Support and Out-of-Home Care – caring for vulnerable children and young people Disability – fostering accessibility and ability Mental Health – mental health support Youth Justice – supporting young people to break the offending cycle Refugees and Asylum Seekers – providing support to asylum seekers Homelessness – providing a suite of intervention services and establishing connections Our carefully selected employees, professional contractors and volunteers, and our wonderful service partners and supporters are key to the results our clients achieve.
Contact Life Without Barriers
Phone: 1800 531 647
Email: employmentpathways@lwb.org.au
Website: https://www.lwb.org.au/