Mums’ Cottage offers companionship, guidance, education and assistance to all members of the family unit.  Mums’ Cottage is committed to alleviating difficulties byproviding:  A welcoming environment where families can heal and be guided to stabilise their lives and venture onwards to a brighter future.  Access to Mentors, Disability Services, Case Coordination, Legal Guidance, Financial Guidance, Health Care, Educational Services, Parenting Program's, Workshops and Combined Family Events.Meetings for safety, support, companionship & guidance. Services include; Respite : Personal space to process your story in privacy. A safe place to sit and talk. Somewhere friendly to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. People on staff to listen and help. Mentoring : A strong network of support, companionship, encouragement and growth from others in similar circumstances. Volunteers that provide the utmost discretion and commitment to you and your family. To help you find the path that is right for you.  Counselling : Families Children Individual Couples Anger Management Advocacy : Support to protect your rights. Casework. Disability : Disability casework and coordination. Parenting Strategies. NDIS Transition. Life skills. Social Capacity and Community Inclusion. ASPired - An ASD Group that runs fortnightly. ASIGE (Autism Social Inclusion Gaming Event) - Fortnightly. Well-being Strategies:  Legal advice Financial advice Help with parenting issues Adult  education Leisure days :   Pamper Days Make-up classes Meditation Cooking classes Basic sewing Craft days Household handy hints Fitness courses Wellbeing courses Fund raising days: Provide funds to continue the valuable work of Mums' Cottage

Mum's Cottage

Contact Mum's Cottage

Phone: (02) 4953 4105

Holmesville, 2286

29 St Helen Street,
Holmesville, 2286
Phone: (02) 4953 4105

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NDIS Support Coordination