Scanning Pens Australia

Scanning Pens Australia provides scanning pens for use at home or in examinations by those with reading difficulties or dyslexia.

Hospital at Home

Hospital-at-Home is the entity responsible for servicing the needs of community health.

Biala Services Inc

Biala is a boutique not for profit community based organisation and registered charity providing quality essential services for seniors and supports for people living with a disability.

Seniors RIghts Service

Seniors Rights Service is a community organisation dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights of older people, particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.

Uniting Care Ageing

Provide a range of services including Aged care Retirment living Early Learning Councelling Foster care

Salvation Army - Aged Care Plus

Accommodation with nursing support Residential Aged Care is long term accommodation that includes care support for those that need ongoing health and nursing assistance.

Justice Advocacy Service

Supports young people and adults with cognitive impairment in contact with the NSW criminal justice system.

New Horizons

New Horizons is a registered NDIS provider, specialising in supporting people with disability, mental health concerns, those who are aged, people at risk of homelessness, humanitarian entrants, youth, and Indigenous …

Novacare - Aged Care Service - Newcastle

Novacare is an aged care and disability service provider to assist people to remain living at home and participating in their community

UnitingCare Irwin Hall Aged Care Facility

Irwin Hall is a low care hostel that supports ageing in place. The facility is located close to the Newcastle CBD, with easy access to shops and transport.