Maitland City Library

Your local libraries are located in Central Maitland, East Maitland, Rutherford and Thornton, where you can access, borrow, and reserve library items - plus enjoy a range of events and …

Maryland Multipurpose Centre

Maryland Neighbourhood Centre provides a safe and supportive environment for people living in the Blue Gum Hills area of Maryland, Fletcher and Minmi.

Belmont Men's Shed

Belmont Men’s shed is a member of the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) and has representatives attending the Hunter Cluster.

Thornton Library

- 02 4964 4468

NSW Trustee & Guardian

NSW Trustee & Guardian's role is to act as an independent and impartial Executor, Administrator, Attorney and Trustee for the people of NSW.

Wesley Mission

Wesley Mission is one of the largest Christian not-for-profit community organisations in Australia.

Hopestreet - Mayfield

HopeStreet offers unique services that meet the local needs of disadvantaged communities and people living on the margins, by reaching out to those who feel they are on the outside.

St Vincent de Paul Society

The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia has more than 40,000 members and volunteers, who work hard to assist people in need and combat social injustice across Australia.

Swansea Community Cottage

Swansea Community Cottage is your local neighbourhood centre and is here to help the local community with information, advice and referral services.

CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning

CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning is a not-for-profit organisation and an agency of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.