The Program is aimed at young people aged from 12 to 16 who are in Years 7 to 10, and targets their welfare, educational, social and life skills needs.
Dunlea Centre is a registered Years 7 to 10 school and is accredited to deliver the ROSA credential.
The Program is voluntary and lasts for approximately 6 to 12 months. The young people attend from Monday at 9am through to Friday at 12pm and go home for the weekends, public holidays and the regular school holiday periods.
A young person entering the Program will be placed in one of four units, living with a maximum of 7 other young people, and working with 5 staff members consisting of a teacher, a Life Skills Social Educator, a Family Services Worker (counsellor) and 2 residential carers. It is in this context that the needs of the young person and the family are able to be targeted. Some aspects of the program are as follows:
For the young person:
• Individual counselling targeting what is happening in the family and what is happening emotionally for the young person;
• The development of an Individual Education Plan targeting the educational needs of the young person and meeting the requirements of BOSTES in a relevant and creative way;
• Social Skills development including focus on: communication, anger management, conflict resolution, social interactions, exposure to social settings and learning to live with others;
• Life skills development including focus on cooking, washing, hygiene, household chores, shopping, budgeting, resume` writing, interviewing skills;
• A chance to target personal goals and to make changes.
For the Families:
• A chance to identify and target the issues of concern existing in the family;
• Individual and family counselling;
• Access to services to target issues in the family;
• A chance to target goals and to make changes.
Contact Dunlea Centre - Residential Family Preservation & Restoration
Phone: (02) 8508 3900