Anyone who thinks they might be eligible for the NDIS, can download an Access Request Form (ARF), and a Supporting Evidence Form (SEF), work with their GP, allied health, and specialist medical professionals to prepare and provide the information required.

You can:

  • phone 1800 800 110 and make a verbal access request, or
  • download and complete the ARF on your computer and email it to the NDIA with supporting information, or
  • download the ARF on your computer, print it out, and mail it to the NDIA with supporting information, or
  • email and ask for an ARF to be mailed, or
  • contact your local NDIA office and asking for an ARF to be mailed to you.


Hunter Community Hub is a registered NDIS provider of disability services.

Contact us for to make a referral or to discuss your NDIS plan.

Hunter Community Hub NDIS